JOSPT- Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy

Gratis adgang til Internationalt anerkendt tidsskrift for alle DSMF’s medlemmer Opdater dine medlemsoplysninger

DSMF vil snarest tilbyde alle medlemmer gratis online adgang til det velansete tidskrift JOSPT- Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy, der månedligt publicerer tekster (systematiske reviews, kliniske guidelines, artikler, case-rapporter) med et fagligt relevant og spændende indhold.

For at aktivere adgangen til JOSPT skal DSMF sende en opdateret mail-liste på alle medlemmer til JOSPT. Det er DERFOR VIGTIGT, AT DU SOM MEDLEM AF DSMF SIKRER, at dine medlemsoplysninger er opdateret og korrekte opdateret hos Danske Fysioterapeuter. ( → medlemskab).


JOSPT- Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy

The Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® (JOSPT®) publishes scientifically rigorous, clinically relevant content for physical

therapists and others in the health care community to advance musculoskeletal and sports-related practice globally. To this end, JOSPT features the latest evidence-based research and clinical cases in musculoskeletal health, injury, and rehabilitation, including physical therapy, orthopaedics, sports medicine, and biomechanics.

With an impact factor of 2.376, JOSPT is among the highest ranked physical therapy journals in ISI's Journal Citation Reports, Science

Edition (2013). JOSPT stands tenth of 62 journals in the rehabilitation category, seventeenth of 67 journals in orthopedics, and fifteenth of 81 journals in sport sciences. The Journal's 5-year impact factor is 3.195

Online adgang til JOSPT koster normalt 240$ årligt.​​​


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